Meet the new Brave Joy Collective!
Hurrah! I've launched another project I've been dreaming about for a long time.
It's the Brave Joy Collective, a monthly art-by-mail subscription. Imagine receiving real mail: a 5x7" art print of a brand new image each month, along with some spiritual practice ideas on the same theme. Then imagine you're joining all the other subscribers who will be paying attention, praying about, making intentions on that theme at the same time. We can share our experiences on the member website at . I can hardly wait!
Finally, imagine that you're also supporting me to do what I do best: to listen deeply for creative and spiritual guidance, play and wrestle with an idea and an image, and share from my heart to encourage and inspire you. I've been making meaningful art for 25 years, and I look forward to serving you in this fresh way.
Here's a one-minute, joyful invitation:
Click on over to and consider a subscription to join the joy, or check out the Brave Joy Collective page.
Please share the news with your friends and loved ones who'd enjoy it-- thank you.
Thanks so much for your support all these years. I'll look forward to putting a stamp on your envelope soon.
Joyfully-- Melanie