This new painting, Facing Into This, was born during our pandemic and already meant so many different things to me. This Fox stops and meets its shadow, looks deeply at all of it, and sees the interconnections and possibilities there.
Now it feels relevant for this movement for justice for Black lives, too. As a woman raised in White American culture, I want to face into more learning about how racism hurts us all and keeps us all from being free.
In this image, what do you see, notice, feel, know, or wonder about?
On a day soon after George Floyd's killing, I did a little writing about the elements of this painting and some of my intentions. It took me a bunch of days to be willing to post this, for fear of making a mistake or offending. My friend Joy Ellison's good article helped me more clearly understand my fears: 'White People, don't let a fear of being wrong stop you from acting for justice.' Knowing that confession is a healing step, here's that writing:
This painting is stronger and braver than I am right now.
It asks me to stay here and face my history and my fear.
This image is wilder and more complex than I want it to be right now.
How else could it be, when our world must be transformed?
These orbits are closer and tighter than ever right now.
In every way, your life and future are interconnected with mine.
This Fox is calmer and steadier than I feel right now.
She shows me a way to be present and aware.
Her gaze is clearer and wiser than mine is right now.
I can choose not to look away from pain.
That shadow is deeper and darker than I knew, right now.
I’m seeing more greed, racism, and injustice in myself and in our culture.
This grief is heavier and sharper right now.
My heartbreak will be a doorway to humility, action, and change.
The Spirit is fuller and rounder right now.
God loves and holds me as I fail, as I learn.
The stars are brighter and nearer right now.
They guide me to stay open, to listen, and be courageous.
The Universe is bigger and richer than I can imagine right now.
Our story of belonging is still unfolding.
May it be so.
#solidarity #interconnections #blacklivesmatter #spiritualpractice