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    Blog — Art & Wisdom Cards

    Second Edition Art & Wisdom Cards

    Second Edition Art & Wisdom Cards

    It's quite a milestone:  I've sold 1800 Listen For Joy Art & Wisdom Card Decks, and I just received the third printing of 1000 more.  Wow!   My inventory shelves are full again, and I love imagining all those cards and booklets inspiring people all across the country and the world.

    It made sense to celebrate with a Second Edition for this latest printing.  I wanted to incorporate a few tweaks to help new customers understand the purpose of the decks a little better.  But don't worry-- the cards themselves are exactly the same!  In fact, if you held the old and new decks side-by-side, the differences are small.  I made some slight changes to the box cover titles, back-of-the-box words, and booklet text.  

    The most noticeable adjustment in this new edition is a shift in the order of the booklet sections.  I switched "Out of Balance" and "In Balance" on the card theme pages.  Simply put, each page now ends with the more positive "In Balance" paragraph.  It's an uplifting difference that simply hadn't occurred to me when I first created the decks.  If you already use the decks, you might try reading the sections in this new order to see how it feels to you.

    Other than that, the images continue to inspire just as they are, and I've only changed a few words of the text here and there.  Two and a half years ago, Christianne Squires of Bookwifery and I did some rather fine listening, writing, and editing that has stood the test of time.  I'm still humbled and amazed by that whole process.  Thank you, Christianne!

    I hope you'll continue to recommend the decks to your friends and colleagues, and to give them as gifts as the occasions arise.  Your support means the world to me, and it keeps these Art & Wisdom Cards moving out into the world to serve hearts, minds, and spirits.  Thank you.

    Watch for a new crowdfunding campaign coming soon-- it's time to reprint Storm Journey in a new Story Card / deck format!  I'm excited about the change and timeliness of that story.  Please sign up for my email newsletter list at the bottom of this website page (if you aren't already on the list) to be sure you get the latest news.

    Thanks again, and blessings!