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    Copyright Information

    Thank you for your interest in the art imagery I create and share. My art is medicine for the soul that rises from spiritual practice, so I’m delighted that you found it and found 

    Many of you are interested in using my images along with your businesses, writing, or projects. It’s wonderful to know my art resonates with so many people around the world. Bless your efforts! However, I am overwhelmed with image use requests and cannot at this time give permission for others to use my art. All of my images are copyright protected, so please do not copy, print, reproduce, or alter any of my art or text from the website or any of my images found elsewhere on the web.

    Image Use Sabbatical

    I believe in collaboration, but right now I'm taking an image use sabbatical to stay sane and move my own work forward. I applaud those who have the integrity and courage to ask for permission before using someone else’s art. Thank you! However, there are complicated copyright and image file issues involved, I don’t have a good system for receiving compensation for the value of my images, and the amount of time it takes to reply to lots of emails is more than I can handle. So, for a year or more, I’m focusing on my own art making and my own art prints. I appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Support the Artist

    The best way to enjoy my art imagery and to support my continued creating is to purchase Art Prints, Art Card Decks, and Art Originals. See the Shop on this website. I hope that a print image would bring you and others joy in your work, worship gathering, or home space, framed or passed around from hand to hand. Buying a print, deck, or original DOES NOT give you permission to use the image in another way besides displaying it as it is– no photocopies or scans, please and thank you. 


    You’ll notice I’ve watermarked all of the art images on this updated website. While it’s somewhat distracting to see that rectangle with “” inscribed, marking each image is one way to help protect my copyright online. (Many of you have noticed that Deep Breath is making a world-wide, unauthorized journey all over the web from before she carried a watermark… the digital age is a learning journey!)  These marks do not appear  on any of the Art Prints or Art Card Deck images.

    Personal Replies

    Although my heart wants to write a personal reply to everyone who inquires about image use, I simply can’t pull that off. Sometimes I won't be able to get back to you at all, or I will need to say a brief, generic “No” and refer you back to this page with my blessing. I appreciate your understanding, and I trust you’ll find or make alternate imagery that speaks to you for use with your projects.

    Thank You

    Creating spiritual art imagery is a privilege and a challenge. Thank you for supporting my work and protecting my livelihood so I can continue to serve.

    With gratitude and blessing–