Art Card Success in Test Market
It’s a miracle, I think– The first small shipment of printed, finished Art Card decks arrived just in time today to test market them at the American Art Therapy Association national conference here in Albuquerque. What a success! All day yesterday I shared my sample sets, then this morning when these first real decks arrived, I sold 77 decks in 5 hours. Seriously– WOW. Art therapists LOVE them. I know the last few will sell tomorrow and go home with people all across the country who will use them!!
Of course I’d planned for the Kickstarter campaign in the spring, with all the decks printed by summer. I definitely wanted to ship them to my campaign supporters first, and wanted more than just a few of them to sell at this big, important conference opportunity. But challenges arose (as they always do), so it turns out I’m doing everything at once this week. Crazy, yes. Overwhelming at times, yes. And joyful, yes! Both the campaign community and art therapy community have responded with a quick and resounding Yes! to these Art Card decks!
When our campaign successfully meets the goal– we’re so, so close!!!– the next step is to prepare for the big shipment of Art Cards that will be mailed out to all the backers who support the Kickstarter event. I’m so excited!! I can hardly wait for everyone to open their boxes and start enjoying these lovely cards. There’s still time before November 21 to make your pledge to pre-order decks that will arrive the first week or so of December.
With a great big YAY and so much gratitude,