Art & Wisdom Card Decks
Invitations and inspiration for cultivating inner peace, courage, and strength.
Each deck offers 40 images centered on a theme. Includes companion booklet offering guidance for inclusive spiritual reflection.
Use the decks as a part of your own spiritual practice, as a tool with clients, or together in community.
Contents: 40 Art & Wisdom Cards and a companion booklet.
Size: 3.5 x 5, printed with care on high-quality, long-lasting varnished cardstock in Maine, USA.
Two Decks Available
Come Through Deck: Each image offers invitations and inspiration for finding courage and gathering strength.
Deep Breath Deck: Each image offers invitations and inspiration for cultivating inner peace, presence, and wisdom.
Both decks come with 40 full-color cards and a companion booklet offering guidance for inclusive spiritual reflection.
A few ways to use these Art & Wisdom Cards:

Create or deepen a prayer or meditation practice.
Pull a card and spend quiet time with it.
Let the cards spark a spiritual intention to remember during your day.
Share your experience with a trusted friend.
Choose a card when you feel stuck, lost, or discouraged.
Ask for insight, wisdom, or encouragement
to show up for you in the art image or booklet invitations.
Sharpen your intuition or sense of guidance by considering
whether the card you draw reflects a truth in your life.
Jump-start a meaningful conversation with yourself in a journal,
with a friend over tea, with a client in a session,
or with your community in a workshop.
Notice and then get curious about what you see in the art.
Discover your own way to enjoy Listen For Joy Art & Wisdom Cards.
Appreciation for Listen For Joy Art & Wisdom Card Decks
Let me tell you how much I appreciate your beautiful art work and the booklet of accompanying reflections and practices. I meditate every morning and have been praying with one of the images every day.
--CK, Carbondale PA
They are a great tool, and parishioners keep talking about how the images speak to them. Thank you!
--SL, Annapolis MD
I'm grateful for your art's important role in my pandemic life.
--LB, Durham NC
My clients *love* these,
and it always takes us deeper in any session. Thank you SO much!
--ES, Vancouver WA
I think the day is coming when spiritual directors will not be able to imagine their work without your cards as a necessary tool. The experiences with my directees are powerful, meaningful and bring them so close to a loving divine Presence.
--TH, Alberta, Canada
[Drawing a card] doesn’t take a lot of time, but it gives a lot.
--MG, Chevy Chase MD
Your cards go beyond a specific faith tradition to the core what it means to be a person of faith and the things that often prevent us from being able to trust, believe, hope, and love.
--KJ, Philadelphia PA
Visual art is often hard for me to connect with—and yet in the wholeness of your approach, I find myself challenged and taken deeper. The cards are a daily lifeline and I’d love to see a new deck!
We used your art cards as the final prompt [in a writing retreat]. We each chose a card to find out what it was we still needed to write this weekend. The writing went deep and was beautiful. One young woman said to me afterward, “I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to write, but as soon as I saw the image, I knew.”
--ES, Amherst MA
The cards are a great way in to begin to connect with the movement of the Holy. Thank you!
--CR, British Columbia, Canada
From the Booklet Introduction
This art can’t wait to spend time with you, ask you good questions, and give you a boost when you’re struggling and need to remember hope and joy. I know this because they’ve been so good to me and my students, clients, and friends over the years.
Personally, I often draw a card with prayerful intention when I feel unsure, frustrated, or afraid, to see what message I receive. With a client in a listening session, we might pick an image and wonder about how it relates to their spiritual journey. In a group, I sometimes invite each person to choose a card and tell a story about what they see and feel.
I believe these art & wisdom cards want meet new people and start fresh conversations about things that matter. Where will you take them? Maybe they’ll visit homes, dorm rooms, places of worship, retreat centers, schools, hospitals, prisons, office buildings, or even halls of government.
And how will you use them? Maybe once a year for a retreat session, once a month in a book group, once a week to give away to a loved one, or once a day as a personal writing prompt. You and the art cards will find so many ways to engage each other....
Kickstarter Campaign
Thanks to all who helped fund the printing of these Art Cards!! Our successful Kickstarter campaign ended November 21, 2017. 308 people backed the project for $24,252– 151% of the goal!
See the Kickstarter campaign website.