Meditation for Change and Hope
In times of crisis, we need to remember there’s so much more to our story. We can imagine, care, and work— together. So I want to share this video of a dream and vision that was given to me, as a meditation for change and hope. (See video above, and a transcript of the video below.)
After you've watched the video, here are four ways to explore this story more deeply:
1. Turn down the volume and watch this story video in silence as a meditation or a prayer. Notice how it feels to see it again. Notice what parts want to stay with you.
2. Pause the video and ask yourself or a friend these questions:
What was it like for you to hear and see this Storm Journey story?
Does this story feel familiar? If so, how? Or why not?
What surprised you about the story? Why?
Do you belong in this story? In what parts? Or why not?
What story would you tell about your own journey through stormy times?
What can you imagine yourself giving to others to help us all make it through?
3. Read about where the Storm Journey story came from, on the Project page.
4. Purchase the Storm Journey Story Cards deck and hold the story in your hands. The deck comes with all 26 art cards, and a booklet full of more questions to ask yourself or a friend, or to use with a group or a client. Mix the cards up and pull one out as inspiration for the day. Buy your decks here.
Thanks and blessings-- Melanie
Video transcript:
Storm Journey.
Stability - We wish our lives were safe and easy.
Threat - We see danger coming.
Resistance - We want to make fear go away, but that’s not what our strength is for.
Welcome - We engage and show up for the challenge, when and how we can.
Storm - We know our lives are forever changed.
Saved - We give thanks for life, yet remember others are suffering.
Lost - We allow our real and deep feelings— grief, loss, anger, despair— and admit it when we don’t know what to do.
Busy - We cope by doing, noticing when that’s for healing and when it’s for distraction.
Trying - We catch ourselves repeating old habits or rebuilding harmful systems.
Fail - We say it when we’ve failed, and we let go of whatever does not serve.
Surrender - We give up trying, and realize that we aren’t in control.
Insight - We see our situation with new eyes and fresh imagination.
Response - We follow our inner wisdom and discover a different way.
Flight - We are lifted to a higher perspective and wider compassion.
Kindred - We encounter other souls who want to give and think big.
Circle - We learn from each other and gain strength.
Wings - We trust ourselves and our companions to reach for a better world.
Sent - We move toward truth, justice, care, connection, and creativity.
Touch - We find inspiration as we dream and listen to our hearts and souls.
Return - We bring our insights back to others in service to all.
Inspire - We give away what we’ve learned to help and empower others.
Whole - We respond with openness and joy to transformation and healing— even when it’s hard to do.
Gather - We join together in respect and gratitude, including everyone in our abundance.
Story - We tell each other stories of hope about how we can come through storms.
Rise - We remember who we are, and who we can be, when we work together.
Change - We speak and act with courage to create a future where we all belong.
Let’s envision the world we want to live in, and rise to make the changes. We all belong in a story of hope.