Light Meets Us
May we remember that Light meets us
in these long, cold nights.
This Light cracks the dark despair
of our world and our neighborhood,
and (sometimes disguised)
visits in the struggles
of our hearts and bodies.
As we walk the path called “today,”
the stars burn bright with guidance;
wisdom shines through any moment
of courage, compassion, and creativity;
and we ourselves carry the flame of love
through every threshold.
I celebrate the strength I find in the Advent tradition remembering the Light born in the darkness. Many blessings in this sacred season, dear friends, to you and yours. –Melanie
Art and blessing © Melanie Weidner. Art: Starlit Doorway, digital collage combining NASA’s Hubble Telescope imagery and Melanie’s original photography. The paper bags lit by candles along the brick path are New Mexican farjolitos/luminaria, a traditional Christmas lantern.