Holding a Vision of Belonging
As part of my prayer for peace this week, I asked Spirit for insight and drew an art & wisdom card. For just a moment, I was surprised to see “Belonging” as a remedy for violence… but then I knew: Violence against anyone hurts all of us, and we all belong to that suffering.
Then belonging widened into a vision where we all belong in the work to grieve and cease the violence. I see a world where all children belong to each one of us, where each child and each person is cherished and protected. Justice and aid given freely help grow a deep sense of safety, belonging, and contentment, diminishing the desire for power and war. Joy and creativity are celebrated daily, in the communities I envision. No one lives in fear. Humans come to know all beings of the earth as kin— furry ones, swimming ones, green and growing ones— and we learn to relax into that belonging too. No being lives outside of love and care.
We flourish together.
All art and text ©Melanie Weidner, 2023