Business Capacity as a Spiritual Practice
I'm giving thanks for a new business coach, a timely entrepreneurial grant, and great sales at an international Play Therapists' conference in Texas. I had no idea that a focus on business would be such fruitful spiritual practice.
More than ever, I want to share the gifts of art and wisdom I've been given. So this year I've worked extra hard to implement some new strategies to welcome more customers and expand my connections. You've likely seen the new website, but behind the scenes you haven't seen the new shipping application, social media classes, bookkeeping changeover to Quickbooks Online with a new chart of accounts, new shipping strategies for traveling sales, and extra inventory and shipping shelves in our garage. Each of these steps required flexibility, courage, and trust-- all qualities my soul has been wanting to practice, I guess!
But wait, there's more-- the Spirit isn't finished inviting me to make sales and goals into prayer and gratitude. My next projects to build my business spiritually and systemically include a cash flow analysis, integrating inventory systems with bookkeeping software, and adding a few new conference exhibitor events. Thank goodness I am working with some terrific teachers, like my coaches Julianna and Kris at WESST and Susie and Sammie at Checks and Balances For You.
Along the way, I've received some surprising affirmation and support. For example, the inventory/bookkeeping work has been supported by a generous Power Up matching grant, sponsored by Power New Mexico and administered by WESST. And I've made some fascinating new friends who like talking shop, literally. :-)
Thanks be for all of this amazing help and faith in my work!
I look forward to growing the ways I can serve, as I stretch my skills and spiritual imagination in the business world.